It is the duty of the patriot to protect his country from its government.
— Thomas Paine

We live in an age of increasing awareness of the tension between our government and its people. Every year the number of deaths and serious injuries at the hands of the police increase, and with the advent of cell phone cameras and social media, these disturbing and often horrific events have come to the forefront of our national dialogue, and have forced us to re-examine what kind of country we want to live in. No one expects to be the victim of police violence. No one expects to lose a child or a loved one at the hands of the very people who have sworn to uphold their rights. But today in America an average of four people every day are killed by the police. The number of those seriously injured or disabled by law enforcement is impossible to measure.


Our law firm fights to protect the rights of all Americans by fighting for the rights of the individual. It is only by standing against the rising tide of police violence that we can hope to make a difference in our communities for the better, and this happens one case at a time. For the last many years, our firm has dedicated itself to standing between the power of the state and the rights of our clients, and we have discharged our responsibilities as lawyers and as patriots with uncompromising compassion and expertise.

We have obtained several of the largest police misconduct settlements in Northern California, and in 2019 won the largest jury verdict ever against a Sonoma County police department. But the greatest measure of our success has been the lives we have changed along the way. More than half of our firm’s civil rights cases have resulted in policies and practices being changed by law enforcement agencies as a direct result of the litigation we have brought. These are our greatest accomplishments.

If you or someone you know has been hurt by the police, we’re here to help.


San Jose K-9 failed 22 times to respond to commands before latching onto man's throat: court - Fox News

Civil rights suit over Sonoma County police slaying will move forward - Courthouse News

Innocent McKinleyville Man Wins $850,000 Settlement After Sonoma County K-9 Attack - Kym Kemp

Loopholes in California’s police transparency law leave public in the dark - Fox News

North Bay man wins $1.35M after Sonoma County sheriff's K-9 tears into leg - Fox News

Court reinstates Petaluma teenager’s excessive-force lawsuit against Sonoma County deputy - San Francisco Chronicle

Police dog attacked man not involved in crime, Sonoma County Sheriff’s Office says - Santa Rosa Press Democrat

Video: San Jose K-9 bites man’s throat for 1 minute re-igniting police dog concerns - Fox News

PRONE: Why do people die underneath officers? It’s more controversial than you might think - NBC News

Deputy disciplined for failing to remove K-9 from Graton man’s leg - Santa Rosa Press Democrat

Systemic Sadism at the Sonoma County Sheriff’s Office - The Nation

Federal court sanctions Sonoma County Sheriff for allowing destruction of footage of 2019 jail suicide - Santa Rosa Press Democrat

Fight for stronger Sonoma County law enforcement oversight continues two years after Measure P approval - Santa Rosa Press Democrat

Insurers Force Change on Police Departments Long Resistant to it - Washington Post

3 Seconds in October - The Killing of Andy Lopez - PBS

California City to pay 2m to 5 Protesters Injured by Police - U.S. News & World Report

Sonoma County to pay record $3.8 million settlement over fatal arrest of David Ward - Santa Rosa Press Democrat

Rohnert Park Police Liable for 4 Million in Death of Handcuffed Man - NBC Bay Area

Rohnert Park Payouts Set to Top 1.8 Million Over Marijuana and Cash Seizures - KQED

Sonoma County Jail “yard counseling” case settles for $1.7 million - Santa Rosa Press Democrat

$1.25 Million Settlement For Man Repeatedly Tased By Sonoma County Sheriff’s Deputies - CBS San Francisco

Gung-ho Santa Rosa Marine now go-to lawyer - Santa Rosa Press Democrat

Injured Army veteran sues Santa Rosa police over post-seizure arrest - Santa Rosa Press Democrat

Lawsuit Alleges California Cops Stole Weed and Cash During Traffic Stops - Reason

Santa Rosa Man Tasered, Beaten By Deputies Files Lawsuit - CBS San Francisco